April 02, 2004

Jihad Proselytizing


First off ... We want to thank everyone for indulging us with yesterday's April Fool's Day joke. I want to stress that it was intended to be a joke, not a hoax. Hopefully whatever credibility we had before yesterday has not be squandered for a gag. And hopefully everyone ultimately enjoyed it.

Back to important issues ... The Fallujah terrorist attack this week not only claimed the lives of four American citizens, but afterward their bodies were desecrated by a mob shouting, among other things, "Long live Islam" and "Allahu Akbar." A CNN story reports that the U.S. Army has "vowed to hunt down the perpetrators and promised to pacify the restive anti-U.S. hotbed." That sounds like a good start.

The ever-vigilant Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs is keeping track of this story. Below are some of his blog entries with news links, listed chronologically. Be sure to read Charles' commentary, particularly the Is This Going To Stand? entry. I wish his outrage was more common.

Religion of Savagery
Is This Going To Stand?
"A Gift"
Bremer: "Deaths Will Not Go Unpunished"
Den Beste on Fallujah
Army Vets, Ex-SEAL Among 4 Killed in Iraq

This cartoon is from November 2001 and is in our book, Black & White World.

Posted by Forkum at April 2, 2004 07:13 AM